Financial Commitment

This section provides details about the financial commitment families make to the team. Being part of BCAC (Legacy) requires payment of annual member ship fee and monthly dues and registration/renewal fees, relevant competition participation costs, and annual fundraising. We also have annual service hours (volunteer time requirement) which may result in additional fees for any un-met hours.  Athletes and their families must be “members in good standing” in order to attend practices, meets/tournaments, and other BCAC events. Members in good standing have paid all registration fees, adhere to stated team obligations (dues payment, fundraising, and volunteering), and conform to stated codes of conduct.

Everyone must have a current membership to USA Water Polo for insurance purposes (the amount of the fee is determined by the entity)

The following financial obligations may be changed by vote of the BCAC board once each year.

Team Dues & Fees

Athlete Registration Fees & Dues

BCAC utilizes TEAM UNIFY software and all billing is done on-line.  Athletes will be issued an online access password when they register with BCAC.

Athletes are required to pay their monthly dues on the 1st of every month to BCAC in addition to their annual affiliation certifications and must submit to BCAC a copy of their card.  Athletes may not practice or compete until all fees are paid.  Dues are late if not paid the 5th of each month and a late fee of $10 will be assessed if payment is not received by the 10th of each month.  If dues are not paid the athlete will be restricted from BCAC participation.

There is an annual fee for all athletes (new or returning) of $90.00.  Athletes will receive 2 team shirts, and a team cap included in this cost.

Our dues only cover the costs of the squads’ weekly practice. If you athlete attends meets, those costs for each meet that your athlete attends will be added to your account and are payable by the 1st of the following month.

In addition there is a coaching fee of $7.00 for each meet attended. Because we want every athlete to participate in swim meets to help them improve their skill set the dues you are billed monthly include the first coaching fee of the month of $7.00, if you attend more than one meet then you will be billed the meet fees and the additional coaching fee of $7.00 per swim meet. 

Monthly Dues Table


Group In Parkrose District Out of Parkrose District
Learners  $100 $120
Dreamers #1 (8-10) $105 $125
Dreamers #2 (9-10) $115 $140
Planners #1 (11-12) $115 $140
Planners #2 (11-12) $125 $150
Achievers #1 (13-15) $125 $150
Achievers #2 (13-16) $135 $165
Performance (13&O) $150 $180

Dues for athletes participating in another high school sport at the same time.

Group In Parkrose District Out of Parkrose District
HS swimmer $90 $110

Discount for Multi-Athlete Families

Families with more than one athlete will receive a discount of $20 for 2 registered athletes, $50 for 3 registered athletes, $90 for 4 registered athletes and $150 for 5 registered athletes per month.


Scholarships with BCAC and the associated affiliations are available on a “need” basis.  Scholarship accounts are issued a monthly credit PER ACCOUNT (not per athlete).  Scholarships may be rescinded if accounts are not kept in good standing.  Scholarships are only in effect for the year applied and must be reapplied for and qualified for every year.  Currently, there are a limited number of scholarships available and they will be granted at the start of the applicable season and are issued on a first come, first served basis.  Scholarship amounts will be reassessed quarterly and are extended for monthly dues only.  Applying for a scholarship does not guarantee you will receive one. Scholarships also require additional volunteer hours and fundraising commitments.

Departing Members

Athletes leaving BCAC during the year must notify the board and coach by email through the “contact us” tab on the website 30 days prior to leaving the team of their intent to leave the team. Members are responsible for monthly dues for any practice or competition attended up-to and during the last calendar month spent with the team. In addition, all outstanding dues, fees, and unmet fundraising and volunteer time must be paid at the time of departure. Fundraising and volunteer time obligations will be prorated through the end of the departing month.  Fees are not pro-rated.

Athletes gone more than thirty (30) days will be charged a reinstatement fee of $30 per athlete upon renewal of membership.  Medical exemptions to suspend dues are available.

Re-Joining the Team

BCAC athletes who rejoin the team after departing must re-register with BCAC and their affiliation organization (if their affiliation registration has lapsed). A $30 BCAC reinstatement fee and the current affiliation registration fee must be paid prior to beginning practice. A returning athlete must have been “a member in good standing” at the time of departure from BCAC.

Meets, Games & Tournaments

BCAC athletes are expected to participate in competitions.

A coaching fee of $7 will be added to each participant’s invoices for each tournament/game per month other than the first tournament/game of the month, the coaching fee for the first tournament/game is included in your dues. Championship tournaments will have a $20 added coaching fee.

Athletes are responsible for all fees associated with tournament/game for which they register. If an athlete fails to attend or participate in an event for which they have registered, they will be responsible for all fees associated with that event.